Interest rates rise again in March (as announced by the ECB)
The European Central Bank (ECB) had already announced that it would raise its key interest rates by an additional 0.50 per cent in its meeting on 16 March. And so it did, in line with its determination to ensure the timely return of inflation to the 2 per cent medium-term target. More specifically, the deposit facility rate went up from 2.5 to 3 per cent. This is the rate at which euro-area commercial banks earn money on the deposits held with their respective national central banks, which, along with the ECB, form the Eurosystem.
It is worth remembering that raising and lowering the key interest rates are the main tools of monetary policy, i.e. the 'medicine' administered by the ECB to treat excessively high levels of inflation and deflation, which are some sort of 'disease' for the economy.
The news of the ECB's decision on key interest rates has been followed closely by financial operators, as it has both direct and indirect consequences for all interest rates, that is, for the cost of money (in other words, how much it costs to borrow a sum of money). Changes in interest rates, in turn, have consequences for the prices of financial assets.
More specifically, an increase in interest rates causes a decline in the prices of fixed-rate bonds, whereas a decrease in interest rates causes their prices to rise.